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Asset Marketing Services, LLC.

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What is Asset Marketing Services?

Since 1984 Asset Marketing Services, LLC (AMS) has provided collectors, history buffs, and others with ancient coins that date back more than 2,000 years to the latest three-dimensional works of modern coin art and everything in between.

Asset Marketing Services, LLC. Services

AMS is a trusted leader in multi-channel direct-to-consumer marketing of vintage and modern coins!

Collectors Limited
ModernCoinMart (MCM)



Headquarter Information

1300 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, MN 55121

All Locations

Eagan, MN . Crosslake, MN . Sarasota, FL . Utah, MW . Beijing, China . Hong Kong
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Asset Marketing Services, LLC. Mission

Our Mission is to be the leading direct response marketer of high-quality collectible products to customers in the United States and Asia.