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The Marketing Store

The Marketing Store is a worldwide technology-powered agency that helps collaborate people and brands in modern and productive ways.

The Marketing Store Services

The Marketing Store is a creative agency, strategic consultancy, data partner, and technology provider combined. The agency aims to deliver next-generation brand experiences, custom technology solutions, and products smart enough to captivate, engage and spark customer action.


forge mutually beneficial partnerships between brands that unlock new audiences and drive relevancy.

Social Campaigns

They find and engage new audiences with social campaigns that out-pace culture.


They build live experiences that make brands memorable by tapping into cultural moments and maximizing opportunities for co-creation.


They bring brands to life with experiences that connect them with culture, delivering moments of magic for children and parents alike.

Brand Identity & Packaging

They craft brand stories through meaningful visual language and world-class packaging and build a strong brand identity.


They help brands thrive in a customer-centric world by designing data-driven CRM programs that anticipate customer needs and drive repeat purchases.


They build loyalty programs that connect brands with their customers, increase appreciation, and create lasting brand love.

Contests & Games

They create gamified experiences that transform everyday transactions, driving customer engagement and maximizing sales.

Retail Experience

They design innovative, connected in-store experiences that reduce friction, drive sales and ensure long-term engagement.



Headquarter Information

Chicago, Illinois, United States

All Locations

Chicago . Hong Kong . London

The Marketing Store Case Studies


T-Mobile wanted something that set its services apart and provided real value to its customers by showing true appreciation. The Marketing Store’s team wanted to drive value just for being a customer instead of having to decipher complex points programs and wanted to give customers a reason to stay loyal by showing our loyalty to them.

They created the wireless industry’s first customer appreciation platform—T-Mobile Tuesdays. Reinventing the loyalty paradigm in a way only the Un-carrier can. They thank customers every week with access to exclusive offers, great deals, content, and chances to win awesome experiences from brands they love. All available to T-Mobile subscribers, just for being a customer.


Million Registrations

Million Partner Claims, $1B Exclusives Delivered

Nielsen Customer Satisfaction & Likelihood to Recommend


Intermarché is one of France’s most popular grocery store chains, they asked The Marketing Store agency team to design a year-long activation to celebrate their 50th anniversary.

The team organized and implemented a series of 50 different games over a full 50 weeks. From in-store kiosks to the Intermarché dedicated app, each experience blended the physical and digital retail experience and each one was completely unique.

Engagement metrics proved consistently high throughout the campaign, as The Marketing Store agency team liaised with over 150K winners each week with 100% of Intermarché’s store network enabled.

Live Ekstraordinær by BoConcept

BoConcept is a Danish furniture and lifestyle brand. But despite its rich heritage and beautiful designs, it was getting lost amongst the Scandinavian sea of sameness that floods the industry. The Marketing Store Team needed to identify where its product and service propositions intersected with consumers’ contemporary needs. Then redefine the brand architecture, from purpose to platform.

By taking complete insights, purpose, product, and service truths, The Marketing Store Team crafted a new brand platform and to date, The Marketing Store Team has completely re-engineered BoConcept’s brand architecture. The Marketing Store Team has delivered their all-encompassing new guidelines, The Book of Ekstraordinær, which includes a completely fresh and distinct visual style. The Marketing Store Team created a powerful purpose-infused film, broadcast across their social channels.


The Marketing Store Team’s purpose and platform will influence the company and brand for the next decade. The commitment to Live Ekstraordinær has been adopted by every facet of the business globally, embraced by a franchisee model excited by its limitless potential.


O2 was tasked with creating a gaming experience that appealed to both avid and casual gamers, whilst simultaneously creating a pool of rewards that appealed to all of our audience segments.

They developed ‘Level Up’—a campaign that appealed to esports enthusiasts and casual gamers alike with a diverse range of partners, tons of epic gaming experiences, and more invite-only moments than they could shake their controllers at.

developed ‘Level Up’—a campaign that appealed to esports enthusiasts and casual gamers alike with a diverse range of partners, tons of epic gaming experiences and more invite-only moments than they could shake their controllers at.


The content was viewed over 1.8 million times, with over 1 million engagements. The Twitch stream of The Level Up showdown was viewed by 77,150 unique viewers on the weekend alone; more than the capacity of Old Trafford Stadium!

Most importantly, the campaign brought over 7000 new and 6000 lapsed customers into the Priority app.


McDonald’s wanted to increase breakfast traffic for Singapore, Taiwan, and Australia. The problem: people hate mornings.

So The Marketing Agency gave them something to look forward to.

We created McDonald’s Surprise Alarm, an alarm clock app that delivered a fun surprise every morning. Users received food items, partner prizes, music tracks, entertainment, and more.


The program created a prolonged increase in sales. During the 2.5 years of the program, over 164 million prizes were delivered in Singapore, Taiwan, and Australia. In Taiwan, 12.6% of the smartphone market installed the app. In Singapore, 19.3% of all smartphones used the app.

With over 7.5 million app opens per day, the McDonald’s Surprise Alarm built brand affinity, increased visits, and drove incremental transactions.


Based on a report revealed by European Commission, that 1 in 5 teenagers in Europe lacked basic reading and writing skills, McDonald’s decided to use their scale and reach to help. So, they briefed The Marketing Store Agency Team to find a way to raise child literacy among their broad customer base.

The team turned one of McDonald’s most iconic marketing platforms, the Happy Meal, into a tool for education by giving away fun and educational books with each purchase. And developed a new, original companion app that brought to life scenes straight from Roald Dahl’s imagination through sounds, colour and motion.


More than 102 million physical and digital books found their way into the hands of Europe’s children. 80% of adults surveyed also agreed that McDonald’s was helping to make reading fun.

The work done in Europe ignited a movement within McDonald’s, inspiring a global mandate for every market to run a holistic books programme.

X19 LAUNCH by adidas

adidas wanted to launch their lightest boot ever, the x19, leveraging one of their leading assets – the Egyptian king, Mohammed Salah.

O2’s job was to make it happen in a new, and totally organic way, with a low-budget, high-engagement stunt that would stir intrigue among Salah’s followers and generate hype in the wider football community.

They knew Salah’s fans already thought of him as god-like, but what if the speed of the x19 could help him pull off a stunt worthy of this status? What if Salah could run on water? And what if we made this appear to happen for real?

So, they built an invisible runway under a remote private lake and shot two short films of Salah running out to fetch a ball he had kicked out into the water.


-69% increase in mentions of Adidas football

-90% increase in positive sentiment in posts mentioning #X19

-6.4 million views of Salah’s film, with over 22k comments

The Marketing Store Mission

We believe that diversity across all areas of our business is critical and that a diverse business can only be realized when we create access and equity for all. As such, we aim to build a culture that fosters inclusion and belonging.

We recognize that we have much work to do, but we believe by taking this approach and prioritizing action, we can build a business where all employees are empowered to do their best work and show up as their most authentic selves.