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How To Write A Professional Thank you Email After An Interview

How To Write A Professional Thank you Email After An Interview cover

Learning how to write a professional thank you email after an interview can get you hired.

Getting through an interview is intense. It not only consumes your thoughts during the strained few minutes you’re interrogated but is a bee in your bonnet both before and after as well. Naturally, the time leading up to an interview is spent preparing and researching potential questions.

But many ask what we can do afterward other than wait. Well, knowing how to write a professional thank you email after an interview could work like a charm!

Business people waiting for results of interview
Use your time after an interview to write a professional thank you email

After an interview, there’s more to do than twiddle your thumbs and wait for a response. That involves reaching out to the company – or preferably people – who interviewed you to thank them for their time.

While it is an excellent gesture to thank anybody, in this scenario, a thank you note after an interview also serves a self-serving purpose: it keeps you in their mind. In this article, we will be discussing how to write a professional thank you email.

Thank you notes after an interview are more important than you think!

Recruiters interview and screen dozens of candidates in a day, but they don’t decide the second they see you. They wait until they’ve seen the last candidate before making up their mind.

Professionals handshaking sitting opposite each other
It’s not easy to leave an impression in an interview

For some, that might be at the end of the day, but for others, choosing from a great talent pool might wait a few days. After the time lag, only the most memorable leave an impression and are easily recalled during decision-making.

A thank you note is a physical reminder that’s hard to ignore. It practically screams, “I was here!” not letting the panel forget you were there.

When reviewing your data, the thank you note will make you pop a cheerful reminder of who you are. A thank you note after an interview is not standard, making you stand out. They won’t throw it away but will most likely store it with your file.

A professional thank you note against an open envelope isolated
A thank you note after your interview can leave a memorable impression on the panel.

Interviewing candidates is just as stressful as it is for the people interviewing you. It takes a lot of time, and at the end of it, they’re pretty exhausted. After an interview, a thank you note will make them feel appreciated and create a positive impression of you. It will mitigate any reservations during the interview and reflect positively on their perception of your character.

Companies want people who are amicable and easy to work with. A thank you note after an interview shows that you are understanding, cooperative, and polite – all of which are critical traits for somebody who works well in a team.

How To Write A Thank You Email After An Interview

If you are wondering when to write a professional thank you email, it is often more important how you write it. The correct format will always be helpful to make your thank-you note more effective. The right size for how to write a professional thank you email is as follows:

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You and your contact person details will begin with the date. Include your contact information after your signature if this is an email rather than an actual letter.


the second part of your letter is a salutation in which you address the person you are writing the letter. Please address the message to the person you send using their formal title unless you are close friends with the individual. If you are friends, it’s safe to use their first names.

Paragraphs Suggestion

  • First Paragraph: After the salutation starts, section one expresses your gratitude and thankfulness towards them.
  • Second Paragraph: List something interesting about the interview or the company to make the interviewer remember you.
  • Third Paragraph: Describe how the job posting was particularly beneficial to you. For example, how their requirements led you to the interview for the job you’ve been wanting.
  • Closure and signature: Using formal signatures, such as “thankfully” or “regards” is always efficient. Finish with your handwritten signature, accompanied by your typed email. If this is an invitation, enter your typed name and contact details. When you know the person who supported you well, quickly use your first name in your signature

Add a Unique Detail

A thank you note after an interview should instantly help the reader recall who you are. Writing a generic message followed by your name is not enough to set a spark.

A person adding a key detail to his professional thank you note
Don’t forget to add a pivotal detail to be recognizable

You don’t want the interviewer to be scratching their head when they get the note wondering which candidate you are out of the dozens they’ve interviewed. To make a thank you note effective, you should know how to write a professional thank you email.

Add a crucial detail discussed during the individual interview. Mention how much you enjoyed your discussion on a particular topic, like Pepsi’s controversial ad campaign. You may thank them for answering your question on supply chain partners or explaining a specific problem.

To avoid falling into the trap of having a mundane interview that would be forgettable, ask a question towards the end which is different and unique from what is typically asked. Ask something which lies in the interviewer’s area of expertise or about the hiring organization.

I have a question
Ask a question to avoid a mundane interview.

Asking about an issue the interviewer knows about will create room for discussion, different than the majority, and energize them. Referencing it in your thank-you note will make it easier for them to remember who you are. Always consider this while thinking of how to write a professional thank you email.

Print And Electronic Go Together

Many people often get confused while writing a professional thank-you letter over which form of media they should send the thank-you note through; paper or email? The answer is both. But not at the same time, preferably with a gap of a few days in between.

A businesswoman writing on a paper and looking into her computer
Print or Email?

Forbes recommends sending a handwritten note after an interview one or two days later and an email follow-up after three or four days. Typically you should send a physical letter saying thank you by the next day.

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If you’re traveling from afar, write one by hand and leave it with the receptionist, with instructions to deliver the next morning. Or send it by post the very same day.

People often underestimate email’s power, thinking it’ll get buried under hundreds of others. That is not always the case. Most large organizations have dedicated staff members (or members) who correspond to every email.

According to surveys by CareerBuilder and Accountemps, most employers in the USA say that a thank you note in the form of an email is acceptable.

Content Matters

The gesture of sending a thank you note after interviews are charming, but the shine only lasts if what’s inside continues to dazzle. It should be able to hold the reader’s attention and impress simultaneously. That doesn’t mean writing elaborate poetry, but rather, more about keeping it polite, memorable, and easy to read.

Word writing text Great Content
Make sure to write great content.

Recruiters don’t have much time while screening through hundreds of candidates. They probably won’t spend much time on your thank you note either. That’s why you should keep it brief and write in short paragraphs.

Short paragraphs create white space in the letter drawing attention to the words. Even those with the slightest attention spans will be more likely to go through all of it. Also, keep the tone formal if you’re on a first-name basis. It indicates that you are serious about working and showcases professional behavior.

At the end of the email, write your full name and contact details, and “thank you” instead of “thanks.”

They will already have your resume, so there’s no need to send it again, but a link to your LinkedIn page, with your customized LinkedIn URL, at the bottom will make it easier to check your credentials to jog their memory.

Also, don’t forget to add your “unique detail,” and a skill, qualification, or experience which would be an asset to the job. End the note hoping for the possibility of another meeting to discuss your ideas further.

And lastly, reference the date and time of your interview in the subject of your letter to make it easier for them to find your file.

Be Prompt And Specific When You Write a Professional Thank You Email

This is a crucial aspect to consider for understanding how to write a professional thank you email. A postponed letter of thank you is less significant than an immediate answer.

An interviewer with a professional thank you note in her hand
Be prompt when sending a thank you note or an email

If you are writing a letter of thanks for a job interview, send it that afternoon or the next morning, basically within a day or two, expressing your gratitude towards the act of kindness of an individual.

It’s almost a pointless exercise if you don’t take a minute to add a personal line or two to your message. You don’t have to overdo it with thanks, just a quick line or two. People will feel a generic response of gratitude, and it’ll have no significance.

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When To Send Thank You Email After Interview

You’ve just had your extensive job interview, and think it went well. So, when is the best time to send a thank you email?

Sending a thank you email after your interview is a great way to show your appreciation for the opportunity, and it also helps keep you top of mind with the hiring manager. But timing is everything, so how do you know when to send your thank you email?

Here are some guidelines to help you determine the best time to send your thank you email after an interview:

  1. If the interview was scheduled in advance, aim to send your thank you email within 24 hours of the interview. This shows that you’re interested and motivated and will help keep you fresh in the hiring manager’s mind.
  2. If you can’t send it within that timeframe, don’t worry – as long as you send it within 48 hours, you’re still in good shape. Just make sure to personalize each email, so it doesn’t feel like a form letter.

Sending a thank-you email is always a good idea, but timing is critical if you’re interviewing for a high-demand job.


Small steps like a thank-you note can provide that extra edge in an industry where everyone is giving their best to stay on top.

Showing your gratitude reflects your courteous and humble attitude and will earn you a spot in many good books.

If you’d like to stand out and be polished, the most natural thing you can do is probably write a thank-you note. Never forget to proofread your letter, as no one likes a message full of typos and errors.

If you want to learn more about the job search process and job interviews, check our topics below:

2 Comment on this post

  1. Stele

    very interesting information!

  2. Rickey Cardone

    I’ve never been sending thank you notes and always succeded in my job applications. I don’t think formalities are important at all.

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